07.15.21|Posted by Lauren

Ascenti shortlisted for patient experience award

Ascenti has been named a finalist in the Patient Experience Network National Awards 2021 in the category ‘Innovative Use of Technology, Social and Digital Media’.

The Patient Experience Network (PEN) is an independent, not for profit organisation that aims to improve the experience of service-users and staff within healthcare. PEN is widely recognised as an expert in experience of care and their awards programme celebrates best practice in patient experience across all facets of health and social care in the UK.

Ascenti has been shortlisted for our virtual physiotherapy service which delivers high patient satisfaction, better adherence to rehabilitation programmes and strong patient outcomes.

Our online service is unique due to the integration of our digital products with our bespoke in-house workflow and patient management system which delivers a joined up, seamless experience for patients. Ascenti patients are accompanied by the award-winning Ascenti Physio app at every stage of their recovery journey; from completing a healthcare questionnaire before treatment commences, to accessing their personalised rehab and exercise programme and providing feedback between appointments, to providing outcomes and having 6-months’ access post-discharge. 

In response to coronavirus, Ascenti quickly mobilised our virtual service nationwide when our 300 clinics were closed, enabling our patients to continuing accessing the support and care they needed during the pandemic. 

Head of Clinical Excellence, Alison Day, commented: “We are really pleased to be considered for this award by PEN. Our patients sit at the heart of everything we do and we are proud to have continued providing exceptional patient care through our virtual physiotherapy service during the pandemic. We have shown Ascenti to be a true innovator within physiotherapy which this nomination reflects.

“The last 18 months has been incredibly challenging for the healthcare industry and our colleagues in the NHS and across other healthcare services. We are looking forward to this opportunity to come together, reflect on and celebrate our achievements in September.”

PEN are hosting a virtual Best Practice Conference and Awards ceremony from Monday 13 to Friday 17 September 2021 where all finalists will be invited to present their shortlisted projects and winners will be announced.

You can view a full list of finalists here: 

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