Physiotherapy student placements
07.31.19|Posted by Lauren

Launch of student placements

In June 2019 we launched our first clinical placement for university students studying physiotherapy.

With a large workforce made up of highly skilled and experienced physiotherapists, we are in the position to provide an enriched learning environment to students looking to pursue a career in physiotherapy.

Associate Director, Governance and Quality, Joel Booth, said: “As an employer we are committed to the professional development of our physiotherapists.

“With our student placement programme now in place, we can also support future physios in their early career.”

Ascenti physiotherapists and clinical mentors have been provided with training and support to become lead clinical educators and will be guiding the students throughout their programme with us.

During their placement, the students will get a taste of what it’s like to be a fully qualified Ascenti physiotherapist.

Joel added: “We hope that the students find their placement a rewarding and enjoyable experience and will be keen to come and work for us after they complete their degree.” 

The first placement took place in our Sheepmarket, Ruskington and Stamford clinics with a student from the University of Lincoln. 

You can read more about his experience here

To find out more about out student placement programme, please contact

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Call our central booking line on - 0330 678 0850