02.21.20|Posted by Lauren

Coronavirus guidance 

Ascenti has an exhaustive business continuity plan and is well prepared for the possible escalation scenarios relating to COVID-19. 

We have a comprehensive risk response plan being coordinated by our dedicated Clinical Governance team. As part of this plan we are monitoring the situation daily, upholding best practice and the latest guidance issued by Public Health England and are driving proactive measures to protect our employees, patients and partners, whilst minimising service disruption. 

Our response includes moving our in-clinic physiotherapy services to an online model when needed, which means carrying out physiotherapy appointments using videocall technology through our patient app or over the phone. Given our advanced digital capabilities and existing digital health services we are well placed to implement these measures and will be able to maintain a great service for our patients.

If you are a patient, please read our important information about coronavirus safety page to ensure that you know when not to attend your appointment in-clinic and how to contact us to make alternative arrangements. 

If you have any further questions or concerns about our response to COVID-19 please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

Get in touch

Call our central booking line on - 0330 678 0850