Person rating pain levels through the Ascenti Physio app
01.07.21|Posted by Lauren

Ascenti’s innovative research published by the CSP

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) has published Ascenti’s virtual physiotherapy service evaluation in the Innovations in Physiotherapy Database.

The report titled ‘An evaluation of virtual physiotherapy as an alternative to in-person treatment’ can be found here. The Innovations in Physiotherapy Database comprises a range of quality assured examples of successful initiatives within the industry, encompassing all aspects of physiotherapy practice, research, education and service delivery. 

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and Innovations in Physiotherapy Database logos

Ascenti analysed the data of 27,000+ patients from June 2019 and June 2020 which culminated in the publication of a whitepaper, which you can read in full here. This paper was the product of cross-departmental collaboration within the Ascenti Team, including our Virtual Physiotherapy Service Lead, Head of Clinical Excellence, Chief Operating Officer, Chief People and Communications Officer, and other key members of staff.

Virtual physiotherapy was a gradually developing discipline prior to 2020 and Ascenti was the first UK physiotherapy provider to launch an end-to-end digital MSK pathway, which we have been delivering to Vitality customers since 2019. In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic and resulting lockdown meant many in-person healthcare services across the country were paused, forcing providers to deliver care remotely. Ascenti adapted our entire service delivery to a remote model to ensure continuity of patient care. 

This has led to a greater acceptance of digital healthcare solutions as an alternative to in-person treatment. With our whitepaper being potentially the largest and most comprehensive study of its kind, our findings are a useful resource for other healthcare providers seeking to deliver effective remote care. 

Head of Clinical Excellence at Ascenti, Alison Day, commented: "We are so pleased that our evaluation has been selected by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy for inclusion on their database. This validates our efforts to explore virtual physiotherapy and shows the value of our expertise in this field.

"This endorsement by the CSP should allow our work to have a wider impact throughout our profession and beyond and highlights the importance of recognising virtual physiotherapy as a viable treatment option for MSK patients."